A Surefire Method to Managing the Technology in Your Los Angeles Office

Want a surefire method to effectively manage the technology in your office?

We’ll teach you how.

We’re going to give you a checklist of how you can effectively manage your IT and data security.

Respect technology.

By respecting technology and using it properly, you’ll be a step ahead of the compliance and technology game. Here’s a recap of the five best ways to use technology in your office-space:

  • Have secure wi-fi.
  • Have a solid firewall.
  • Monitor your already secure network.
  • Change your passwords regularly.
  • Have effective website security.


As a Los Angeles business, focusing on these items will help you better operate your office:

  • Strive to have better control of your IT.
  • Be proactive, rather than reactive.
  • Keep current with technology that’s protecting your office through scheduled updates.
  • Become security compliant.

Effectively hire an outsourced IT firm.

Here’s how to make this happen:

  1. Time and action. Work with an outsourced IT firm that has quick response.
  2. Find a firm that understands your industry with experience. Seek an IT company that hires only seasoned, professional technicians.
  3. Find a managed security and IT firm you don’t have to micromanage. Your outsourced IT firm should be brining IT solutions to you, rather than the other way around. Seek a proactive relationship, rather than a reactive one.
  4. Project management to manage the details. Find an outsourced IT firm with extensive experience in managing all types of complex projects, as well as handling the detailed tasks.
  5. No geek-speak. Make sure your IT provider speaks your language instead of confusing tech-jargon.

Overcome confusion with your technology with proper compliance.

What are the 3 benefits to keep top of mind, so you can ultimately avoid confusion when it comes to compliance?

  1. Improve Network and Data Security. Your outsourced managed security should focus in things like remote managed firewall, intrusion detection, anti-malware/anti-virus, and web filtering.
  2. Simplify regulatory compliance. Keep it simple, whether you’re in healthcare, own a small business, or run IT for a financial company, you need to have all aspects of your compliance made simple.
  3. Invoicing that isn’t awful. Because billing is also a sensitive topic, your goal should be to receive one monthly bill. Solve your compliance-confusion struggles, and make your controller or bookkeeper happy at the same time.

Fix your technology.

For guidance on how to solve your IT issues, email us here. We’ll share with you how you can make your IT world much easier.