No one likes to deal with email, especially when it goes down. But like any other critical communication tactic, for your Los Angeles-based business, it is a necessary evil.
Your company needs to have a back-up plan, in case of downtime, that provides your healthcare, construction or entertainment group with a redundant and scalable product, that has solid bandwidth to support your business needs.
Uptime is important to you and to us as well. digiMAIL is a proven hosted e-mail solution that will work, and one that offers you peace of mind through live support during business hours.
digiSYNC’s e-mail solution won’t send you to voicemail, rather, we are the antithesis of voicemail. Giving your L.A. company the IT support you need, based on your schedule, not ours.
digiSYNC’s email hosting option features unlimited attachment size options along with anti-spam and anti-virus filters.

Now doesn’t that sounds like an email solution you can attach to?
Let email be the amazing business communication tool it is intended to be, while avoiding the source of pain it can potentially cause.
Stop being an easy target for phishing, SPAM, malware and viruses. The legal risks associated with not having a solid email platform are just too great to ignore. It is time for your Los Angeles office to be aware of the legal and compliance requirements that your outsourced IT vendor should be providing to you, when it comes to your email records. digiMAIL will eliminate your headaches and hassles normally related to email.
digiMAIL will help your business
Protect your e-mail: finally put a stop to SPAM, viruses, and malware before they hit your inbox.
Easily guard emails: you need to back-up and archive all inbound and outbound messages, especially ones with attachments, through flexible search features. digiMAIL does this for you.
Strengthen your storage functionality: your business needs to be able to efficiently store all the massive amounts of data and email that you produce. Let digiSYNC help you build your storage requirements, so you don’t run into operational issues later.